The Top Five PR Trends of 2024
By: Morgan Gage, Social Media Specialist

Morgan Gage






Why does the Baker Public Relations’ team track and stay up to date on the latest industry trends? It’s simple; so, we can help our clients put their best foot forward.  

Will every new trend be useful to every client and relevant to their work? Maybe not. But being aware of what’s happening around us can and should always inform our decision-making. 


  So, what are the top five trends for 2024? According to Forbes, here they are:  


1. A Human Approach “Humanizing” your brand can make it more relatable and approachable to your target audience. Sound difficult? It may be less work than you think. Most of our clients already display these traits; it’s just a matter of showcasing them. Baker PR can help show you how.


2. Authenticity It’s often overlooked, but being your authentic self can be crucial to success. It certainly is for us at Baker PR. Authenticity is the bridge we use to build trust and credibility with our clients. And it should be for you, too, no matter the industry you are in. Establishing a foundation for trust through authenticity will contribute to a lasting organizational culture and make you more appealing to your clients, customers and target audiences.


3. Social MediaIt should come as no surprise that enhancing a client’s social media presence is often a key recommendation Baker PR makes to our clients. As it has for the past two decades, social media continues to steadily climb in importance. Offering a direct — and often inexpensive — communication channel to both target and reach an ever-widening audience, a strong social media and online presence will always contribute to creating a strong, well-rounded brand.


4. Data-Driven PRAs technology continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly easier to leverage and incorporate data into our understanding, decision-making and strategic planning processes. At Baker PR, we start by clearly defining client goals and what the organization wants to achieve. Next, we identify the technology tools needed to constantly measure and monitor progress. And finally, based on the data-driven outcomes, we work with clients to adjust plans to maximize results. These days, there is a lot less need for guessing – and often, no excuse for it.


5. The Necessity to UpskillYou can’t benefit from trend #4 unless your workplace advances along with technology. As it continues to evolve, so must we all. At Baker PR, we place a premium on professional development. From top-level execs, to managers, right down to entry-level employees, acquiring new skills is essential to our success and yours. Employee training and education should be constant in every workplace to keep pace with competitors as well as keep up with meeting customer expectations, demands and needs.  


No matter the industry you are in, embracing these 2024 trends will be critical for adaptability, relevance, and competitiveness. They can help you capitalize on emerging market opportunities, and they can help to strengthen and grow your organization.  

And so can we. Remember, the Baker Public Relations team is always here to help you along the way. 

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