And what to look out for in 2023 

Each industry is subject to trends that influence operations, and public relations is no different. With the ever-increasing reliance on the internet and conversations that happen there, it’s clear to see which topics were reigning supreme over the PR landscape in the past year. Read on for more details about the trends that influenced the PR landscape in 2023 and which we think will be hot topics for 2023. 

Diversity, equity and inclusion 

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has been swiftly gaining traction as a buzzword in all industries, but what has it meant for PR strategies in 2022? Many companies have been going through the motions of developing a DEI strategy or initiatives. In fact, according to a recent report developed by HR consultant and Perceptyx, a survey and analytics company, roughly 80 percent of companies are not “holding themselves accountable” when it comes to DEI. This is where a strong PR strategy comes into play. Companies that are truly invested in a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace can showcase their work through their PR campaigns. DEI isn’t going anywhere in 2023 – it’s time to make sure every business has a thoughtful and actionable strategy in place. 

Influencer marketing 

Long gone are the days of the “monoculture,” in which people were all generally assumed to be reading many of the same publications, watching the same TV shows and listening to their local radio stations. Today, there are countless channels by which people get information, entertainment and resources. Influencer marketing has risen as a way to promote businesses on the channels that their audiences are actually paying attention to – namely, social media. Micro-influencers have taken center stage above celebrity endorsements and mass media as a way to access smaller, niche audiences. Whether a podcaster, social media star or blogger, the influence of the influencer will continue to restructure the landscape of advertising as we know it. 

Authenticity and personalization 

Like everyone on the internet, journalists are inundated daily with “exclusive” pitches that are actually sent en masse. The rise of fake news and disinformation on the internet has also led to more scrutiny of PR pitches, and a move toward thoughtful, customized outreach. Customers expect businesses to go beyond “marketing speak,” and so do journalists. To capture the public’s time, attention and hard-earned money, businesses need to be savvy with the language they use and the approach they take.  

As we bid farewell to 2022 and look ahead to 2023, these trends can help guide your communications strategy – and so can Baker Public Relations! As a full-service agency with seasoned professionals who specialize in media relations, marketing, social media, creative services and more, Baker can help keep your business top of mind by ensuring your brand identity is authentic, relevant and reaching the right audience. 

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