Spring has arrived and with it a boost in moods and desire to be outdoors. The change from a dreary and cold winter to a bright and blooming spring can invigorate even the coldest of spirits, but how can public relations (PR) professionals take advantage of the new season?

Here are some spring trends that can build your brand’s public relations plan.

Pitch renewal and embrace the Earth.

Spring is all about starting fresh and embracing the new. When pitching the media, April has several opportunities to emphasize your brand’s commitment to helping the Earth. With Earth Day falling on April 22, PR pros should pitch the media well in advance of this date for any placements on or around Earth Day.

April also is Earth Month which offers a fantastic opportunity to prolong visibility on your brand’s commitment to being eco-friendly. Consider penning an op-ed on making your industry a more green-friendly space.

This year especially, renewal of the human spirit is a timely topic. As we slowly emerge from the pandemic, self-care and mental health are paramount. Stress Awareness Month also is marked in April, but the topic of stress management and burnout should be discussed year-round. If your brand revolves around mental health (there are plenty of relatable hooks), connect with the media and secure coverage.

Ramp up video content.

With pleasant temperatures and a milder climate, there is more creativity to be had with shooting video content outdoors. Do not hold back on fun video content that reflects your brand’s products (don’t you remember the outside mirror Instagram trend back in spring 2020? Exactly our point.).

And, if your organization has not jumped on the TikTok or Instagram Reels train, what are you waiting for? These video-focused platforms are known to go viral more so than static posts. Even videos on YouTube can be edited to attract a younger demographic.

Do not skimp on social media.

Social media is one of the best ways to increase awareness of your brand. Prepare content that reflects the change in season — that could mean a grid refresh (we love the idea of making trendy graphics), or by using captivating content that is relatable to your audience. Planning content ahead of time will put you at the top of your social media game.

Like we mentioned above, creatively edited TikToks or Reels can help your brand stand out and lead to more exposure than a traditional social media post. Adopt current trends and be sure to investigate new and emerging platforms — we are looking at you, Clubhouse.

Need help highlighting your brand this spring and beyond? Reach out today and find out how Baker Public Relations can assist.

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