Video has become an even more important tool in the public relations arsenal. Whether it is content for a newsletter, a social media post or a video blog, more and more eyeballs are glued to screens looking for content to consume.
Baker Public Relations offers an array of services for video production, including helping with all media streams mentioned above.
Whether launching a new product, reaching new audiences, building brand loyalty or sustaining growth, video should be an important part of the strategy.
Establishing Brand/Business Identity
Imagine building a house without a foundation. The building would not have the longevity you were expecting. Likewise, if a business receives attention but doesn’t have a clear vision, retaining customers will be difficult. Successful companies, such as McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, utilize video production to display their products and embedded within the video is brand identity.
The old saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words. But how much more is a video worth since it is a combination of music, audio and visuals? Communicating who you are and what you offer can convert potential customers into paying customers.
Appealing to Customers
Business owners can use platforms such as radio and newspaper. Those still have importance. However, people are spending more time on social media than any other mass media, and your best chance to catch a customer’s attention is by going where they are the most often. If a company can create quality videos that can be shared on social media and websites, it will lead to business expansion.
Baker Public Relations specializes in creating videos that communicate a company’s brand and persuade customers to act. If you would like to discuss how Baker Public Relations can help your business create a video, contact us today.