In January of 2018, the New York State Association of Nurse Anesthetists engaged Baker Public Relations to help appeal to the New York State Legislature to support legislation granting Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) full scope of practice. This provision would ultimately allow CRNAs to practice to their full scope based on their education, training and experience while saving hospitals millions of dollars and making anesthetic care more accessible. During the COVID-19 pandemic, CRNAs have exhibited the full potential of their profession. Under the Governor’s executive orders, CRNAs have been able to prove to their colleagues, hospital administrators and state officials that supervision requirements for CRNAs are not needed ever again in New York. Baker Public Relations has carefully crafted a strategy to capitalize on the positive public perception of CRNAs and assist in permanently removing barriers to CRNAs being recognized as APRNs in New York state.
The scope of work has evolved over the four-year engagement. Currently, our services include media relations, marketing, public relations, social media, event management, video production and advertising. Baker Public Relations’ strategic plan continues to amplify the CRNA story and supports NYSANA’s ultimate objectives, which is to get their bill passed in 2022 and increase member engagement. In building off the momentum coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team has continued to use a coordinated public affairs and public relations strategy to influence key legislators, hospital administrators and state officials. In the last year, we’ve secured media hits in the following publications: News 12 Westchester, WRGB CBS 6, WIVT Channel 34, Spectrum News Central NY, Spectrum News Capitol Tonight, HudsonValley 360, Dentistry Today and City & State New York, totaling over $30,000 of advertising equivalency. Our strategy has activated the NSYANA membership through event management and engaging and informative internal communications, such as newsletters and video content, to become advocates for themselves and their profession. Over the past 12 months, the average open rate of newsletters and member communications is 38%, which is 7% above industry average, with an average click rate of 8%, performing 4% above industry average. Additionally, Baker Public Relations has identified the most valuable advertising opportunities for NYSANA to take advantage of throughout the 2022 legislative session with a focus on digital and radio spends targeting local policy makers. Baker Public Relations negotiates contracts with ad reps to secure placement, develop messaging and creative, coordinate flights and monitor performance.